Club Champion: Ed Ahola

Finalist: Alex Zamanian

Points Race

'Expert' Points Race     

    1 Alex Zamanian      429
    2 Walter Trice       332
    3 Herb Gurland       321
    4 Ed Ahola           301
    5 Mark Damish        300
    6 Ivan Birn          246
    7 Ed Abou_Zeid       239
   -- ------------------ ---
    8 Jim Pascoe         213
    9 Garbis Zerdelian   197
   10 Dan Chicoine       190
   11 Marty Storer       189
   12 Seth Towle         186
   13 Bill Robertie      174
   14 Jim Kasarjian      164
   15 Jerry Padova       150
   16 Evan Diamond       129
   17 Nora Luna          129
   18 Jim Williams       126
   19 Joe Moore(E)       124
   20 Felix Yen          108
'A/B' points Race        

    1 Tomas Girnius      353    
    2 Marty Gross        291
    3 Joe Moore          234
    4 Marcus Hermansen   183
    5 Jim Sullivan       140
    6 Yoav Elinevsky     115
    7 John Leonard        94
   -- ------------------ ---
    8 Tom Meyer           88
    9 Roy Chatalbash      87
   10 John Smidt          74
   11 Jim McKenna         60
   12 Hank Youngerman     56
   13 Paul Farrand        51
   14 Carol Gonda         39
   15 Marianne Bromley    39
   16 Larry Yeager        38
   17 Mo Mojahed          36
   18 Dave Ferron         35
   19 Sohrab Ghodoosi     31
   20 Howard Peele        27

Places 21-?? are not yet available.

Monarch Of Monday Night Race 1998-1999
Final Standings (Unofficial)

                     Total  1st  2nd  Con 
  1  Herb Gurland       19    6    3    4
  2  Alex Zamanian      14    4    6    1
  3  Seth Towle         12    4    3    1
     Evan Diamond       11    4    3    -
     Norm Humer          7    2    3    -
     Ed Ahola            6    2    2    - 
     Mark Damish         5    2    -    1
     Tom Girnius         4    -    4    -
     David Adamson       3    1    -    1
     Marty Storer        3    1    -    1
     Nora Luna           3    1    1    -
     Eddie Abou-Zied     2    1    -    -
     Ernesto Adrienzen   2    1    -    -
     Joe Moore           2    1    -    -
     Bell Proman         2    1    -    -
     Michael Urban       2    1    -    -
     Al Cassab           1    -    1    -
     Lenny Galitz        1    -    1    -
     Lonergan Harrington 1    -    1    -
     David Montgomery    1    -    1    -
     Bill Robertie       1    -    1    -
     Jim Sullivan        1    -    1    -
     Garbis Zerdelian    1    -    1    -
     Reg Alleyne         1    -    -    1

1st scores 2 points; 2nd and 1st Consolation each score 1 point. Top 3 play off at year end for Monarch of Monday night. Prize pool is 50 cents per Monday night player per week.

Tournament & Playoffs Results

‘Expert’ Playoff Ladder

 1 Alex Zamanian    ---\
                        --- Alex Zamanian    ---\
   Bye              ---/                         \
                                                  --- Alex Zamanian---\
 5 Mark Damish      ---\                         /    (2-1)            \ 
                        --- Mark Damish      ---/                       \
 6 Ivan Birn        ---/    (2-0)                                        \ 
                                                                          ---  Ed Ahola 
 3 Herb Gurland     ---\                                                 /    (3-0) 
                        --- Ed Ahola         ---\                       /
 4 Ed Ahola         ---/    (2-0)                \                     / 
                                                  --- Ed Ahola     ---/
 7 Ed Abou Zied     ---\                         /    (2-1) 
                        --- Ed Abou Zied     ---/
 2 Walter Trice     ---/    (2-1) 

‘A/B’ Playoff Ladder

 1 Tom Girnius      ---\
                        --- Tom Girnius      ---\
   Bye              ---/                         \
                                                  --- Jim Sullivan ---\
 5 Jim Sullivan     ---\                         /    (2-1)            \ 
                        --- Jim Sullivan     ---/                       \
 6 John Leonard     ---/    (2-1)                                        \ 
                                                                          ---  Jim Sullivan 
 3 Joe Moore        ---\                                                 /     (3-2) 
                        --- Marcus Hermansen ---\                       /
 4 Marcus Hermansen ---/    (Forfeit)            \                     / 
                                                  --- Marty Gross  ---/
 7 Tom Meyer        ---\                         /    (2-1) 
                        --- Marty Gross      ---/
 2 Marty Gross      ---/    (2-0)

‘Monarch Of Monday Night’ Playoff

 1 Herb Gurland  ---\
                     --- Herb Gurland ---\
  Bye            ---/                     \
                                           --- Sethe Towle
 3 Sethe Towle   ---\                     /    (3-0)
                     --- Seth Towle   ---/
 2 Alex Zamanian ---/    (2-0)