Club Champion: Walter Trice

Finalist: Bill Robertie

Points Race


“A” division points race

(Only the top 7 are listed)

   1 Herb Gurland  531
   2 Walter Trice  458
   3 Rick Barabino 425
   4 Mike Nelson   385
   5 Bill Roberite 344
   6 Roy Friedman  315
   7 Ed Abou-zeid  287

“B” division points race

(Only the top 7 are listed)

  1 Brian Hall        267
  2 Andy Latto        246
  3 Patrice Robertie  212
  4 Russ Nahigian     166
  5 Andreas Corredor  145
  6 Ernesto Adrianzen 143
  7 Bob Mojahed       115

Tournament & Playoffs Results

“A” division playoff results

The first round is best three out of five 9-point matches. The rest of the rounds are best four out of seven 9-point matches.

   Herb Gurland     ---\
                        --- Herb Gurland     ---\
   Bye              ---/                         \
                                                  --- Bill Robertie---\
   Bill Robertie    ---\                         /    (4:1)            \
                        --- Bill Robertie    ---/                       \
   Roy Friedman     ---/    (3:2)                                        \
                                                                          --- Walter Trice
   Rick Barabino    ---\                                                 /    (4:3)
                        --- Mike Nelson      ---\                       /
   Mike Nelson      ---/    (3:0)                \                     /
                                                  --- Walter Trice ---/
   Walter Trice     ---\                         /    (4:3)
                        --- Walter Trice     ---/
   Ed Abdul-Zeid    ---/    (3:1)

“B” division playoff results

The first two rounds are best three out of five 7-point matches. The final round is best four out of seven 7-point matches.

   Brian Hall       ---\
                        --- Brian Hall       ---\
   Bye              ---/                         \
                                                  --- E. Adrianzen ---\
   Andreas Corredor ---\                         /    (4:0)            \
                        --- Ernesto Adrianzen---/                       \
   Ernesto Adrianzen---/    (3:2)                                        \
                                                                          --- Ernesto Adrianzen
   Russ Nahigian    ---\                                                 /    (4:3)
                        --- Russ Nahigian    ---\                       /
   Patrice Robertie ---/    (3:1)                \                     /
                                                  --- Russ Nahigian---/
   Andy Latto       ---\                         /    (4:1)
                        --- Bob Mojahed      ---/
   Bob Mojahed      ---/    (3:2)