Club Champion: Herb Gurlund

Finalist: Alex Zamanian

Points Race

'Expert' Points Race     
    1 Herb Gurland       487
    2 Dean Carmeris      418
    3 Alex Zamanian      381
    4 Doug Zare          324
    5 Eddie Abou-Zeid    306
    6 Brad Mampe         299
    7 Joe Moore          163
   -- ------------------ ---
    8 Mary Hickey        159
    9 Roger Rondeau      137
   10 Howard Rosenthal    82
   11 Dan Chicoine        75
   12 Seth Towle          57
   13 Tom Myers           53
   14 Belle Pronman       48
   15 Nora Luna           40
   16 Walter Trice        30
   17 Connie Machakos     26
   18 Alex Kirimov        21
   19 Ernesto Adrienzen   18
   20 John Leonard        14
   21 Takkis Sakkalis     13
   22 Steve Cummings       7
   23 Bill Whitney         7
   24 Ed Murray            7
   25 Sandro Frattura      6
   26 Michal Urban         1

Wizard Of Wednesday Night Race 2003-2004

                     Total  1st  2nd  Con 

1  Alex Zamanian      14    6    2    0
2  Herb Gurland       11    5    1    0
3  Doug Zare           8    1    6    0
4  Dean Carmeris       4    1    2    0
5  Alex Kirimov        3    1    1    0
6  Seth Towle          2    0    2    0
7  Howard Rosenthal    2    1    0    0
8  Joe Moore           2    1    0    0
9  Sandro Frattura     1    0    1    0
10 Eric Schwartz       1    0    1    0

1st scores 2 points; 2nd and 1st Consolation each score 1 point. Top 3 play off at year end for Wizard of Wednesday Night. Prize pool is 50 cents per Wednesday night player per week.

Tournament & Playoffs Results

‘Expert’ Playoff Ladder

 1 Herb Gurland     ---\
                        --- Herb Gurland     ---\
   Bye              ---/                         \
                                                  --- Herb Gurland  ---\
 4 Doug Zare        ---\                         /    (2-0)             \ 
                        --- Eddie Abou-Zeid  ---/                        \
 5 Eddie Abou Zeid  ---/    (2-1)                                         \ 
                                                                           --- Herb Gurland
 3 Alex Zamanian    ---\                                                  /    (3-1) 
                        --- Alex Zamanian    ---\                        /
 6 Joe Moore        ---/    (2-0)                \                      / 
                                                  --- Alex Zamanian ---/
 7 Mary Hickey      ---\                         /    (2-1) 
                        --- Mary Hickey      ---/
 2 Dean Carmeris    ---/    (2-0) 

‘Wizard of Wednesday Night’ Playoff

 1 Alex Zamanian ---\
                     --- Alex Zamanian  ---\
  Bye            ---/                       \
                                             --- Alex Zamanian
 2 Herb Gurland  ---\                       /    (2-1)
                     --- Herb Gurland   ---/
 3 Doug Zare     ---/    (1-0)