Club Champion: Alex Zamanian
Finalist: David Kornwitz
Intermediate Player of the Year: Tim Churella
Finalist: Dale Libkin
This season was interrupted by the advent of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, with live play suspended beginning in March. Playoffs were held online.
Points Race
1 | Steg, Albert | 266 |
2 | Ahola, Ed | 258 |
3 | Caracciolo, Paul A. | 240 |
4 | Storer, Marty | 198 |
5 | Kornwitz, David | 179 |
6 | Hassman, Stephen | 155 |
7 | Kay, Michael | 151 |
8 | Zamanian, Alex | 150 |
9 | Douglas, Steve | 141 |
10 | Cummings, Steve | 126 |
11 | Rosenthal, Howard | 108 |
12 | Lynch, Danny | 99 |
13 | Leonard, John | 96 |
14 | DiMaggio, Frank | 87 |
15 | Theriault, Al | 86 |
16 | Roberts, Dougie | 75 |
17 | Sulkala, Eric | 75 |
18 | Sweetman, Rich | 62 |
19 | Noyes, Duncan | 52 |
20 | O'Riordan, Tom | 49 |
21 | Vining, Nick | 41 |
22 | Govonlu, Cameron | 29 |
23 | Hermansen, Marcus | 27 |
24 | Caracciolo, Paul M. | 26 |
25 | Cantito, Albert | 17 |
26 | Ithier, Joseph | 17 |
27 | Karns, Jay | 17 |
28 | Epstein, Ted | 15 |
29 | Kornwitz, Jeremy | 15 |
30 | Semerci, Yavuz | 15 |
31 | Stutz, Jim | 15 |
32 | Krell, Marc | 12 |
33 | Haigh, Mark | 5 |
34 | Rondeau, Roger | 5 |
35 | McKenna, Jim | 4 |
36 | Smidt, John | 4 |
37 | Rosen, Adam | 2 |
38 | Wicklund, Eric | 2 |

1 | McElroy, Mike | 190 |
2 | Churella, Tim | 153 |
3 | Roberts, Wanda | 150 |
4 | Jigarjian, Ari | 143 |
5 | Seidel, Phyllis | 133 |
6 | Ianculescu, Bogdan | 123 |
7 | Keeney, Pam | 98 |
8 | Packer, Eric | 98 |
9 | Libkin, Dale | 91 |
10 | Richardson, Alexa | 80 |
11 | Grieb, Kate | 76 |
12 | Gordon, Ross | 52 |
13 | Sherman, Doug | 51 |
14 | Crystal, Michael | 44 |
15 | Weng, Don | 44 |
16 | Brennan, Robert | 34 |
17 | Hoey, Bill | 28.5 |
18 | Pettit, Bev | 21.5 |
19 | Boggess, Stephen | 17 |
20 | Bunnell, Brian | 15 |
21 | Parsons, Rick | 10 |
22 | Slusky, Marla | 10 |
23 | Happnie, Robert | 9 |
24 | Croce, Paul | 7 |
25 | Murray, Edward | 7 |
26 | Rozmiarek, Ed | 6 |
27 | Alldian, Matt | 5 |
28 | Miranda, Ericka | 5 |
29 | Krell, Payson | 4 |
30 | Everets, John | 2 |
31 | Ventre, Matt | 2 |
32 | Weaver, Matt | 2 |
33 |
Tournament Results
Open Division (20)
1st: Albert Steg
2nd: Michael Kay
Semis: Tom O’Riordan
Semis: David Kornwitz
1st Cons: Alex Zamanian
2nd Cons: Marcus Hermansen
Intermediate Division (11)
1st: Wanda Roberts
2nd: Don Weng
Semis: Bill Hoey
Semis: Bev Pettit
1st Cons: Tim Churella
Open Division (18)
1st: Ed Ahola
2nd: David Kornwitz
Semis: Albert Steg
Semis: Marty Storer
1st Cons: Danny Lynch
2nd Cons: Eric Sulkala
Intermediate Division (16)
1st: Alexa Richardson
2nd: Phyllis Seidel
Semis: Mike McElroy
Semis: Wanda Roberts
1st Cons: Tim Churella
2nd Cons: Michael Crystal
Open Division (23)
1st: Steve Cummings
2nd: Stephen Hassman
Semis: Howard Rosenthal
Semis: Ed Ahola
1st Cons: Albert Steg
2nd Cons: Michael Kay
Intermediate Division (7)
1st: Phyllis Seidel
2nd: Doug Sherman
Semis: Eric Packer
1st Cons: Kate Grieb
2nd Cons: Pam Keeney
Open Division (19)
1st: Paul A. Caracciolo
2nd: Frank DiMaggio
Semis: David Kornwitz
Semis: Marty Storer
1st Cons: Steve Douglas
2nd Cons: Stephen Hassman
Intermediate Division (9)
1st: Bogdan Ianculescu
2nd: Ari Jigarjian
Semis: Kate Grieb
1st Cons: Dale Libkin
2nd Cons: Eric Packer
Open Division (20)
1st: Ed Ahola
2nd: Albert Steg
Semis: Dougie Roberts
Semis: Duncan Noyes
1st Cons: Michael Kay
2nd Cons: Paul A. Caracciolo
Intermediate Division (11)
1st: Mike McElroy
2nd: Timothy Churella
Semis: Ari Jigarjian
1st Cons: Pam Keeney
2nd Cons: Wanda Roberts
Open Division (23)
1st: Marty Storer
2nd: Alex Zamanian
Semis: Ed Ahola
Semis: Paul A. Caracciolo
1st Cons: John Leonard
2nd Cons: Nick Vining
Intermediate Division (15)
1st: Mike McElroy
2nd: Ari Jigarjian
1st Cons: Ross Gordon
2nd Cons: Robert Brennan